All Episodes

Displaying episodes 31 - 41 of 41 in total

30 December 2023 - The Labels We Choose for Ourselves

In this episode of the show, I speak with my very good friend Shannara Quissell, an amazing attorney and Executive Director of the Colorado Name Change Project.  Shann...

22 December 2023 - Perceiving Our True Selves

In today's episode, I speak with Lisa Haukom: a dear friend, photographer, and developer of The Self-Portrait Method - a course designed to help us learn to see who we...

15 December 2023 - Role-Playing Games as Identity Discovery

Today on the show, I discuss role-playing games with Bill Tucker, an experienced improv actor and tabletop role-playing gamer.  Bill and I get philosophical about good...

01 December 2023 - Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Today I speak with the one and only Ossiana Tepfenhart, who covered the adult film industry as a journalist and has written on topics from music to politics to sex.  O...

17 November 2023 - Divination as a Path to Introspection

In this slightly different show, I engage my witchy side with Miriam Rachel, a medium and tarot reader who writes and teaches how to improve your life through divinati...

10 November 2024 - Body, Embodiment, and Identity

In this episode, I talk to Caitie Corradino, a Registered Dietician and body worker who explains the connections among body, mind, and spirit.  Caitie and I talk about...

27 October 2023 - Art as a Method of Identity

Today I talk to Tucker Lieberman, an excellent author and philosopher whose transgender journey took place in part through his creativity.  Tucker and I discuss import...

20 October 2023 - Gender-Affirming Voice Therapy

In this episode, I have an informal discussion with my good friend Alison (Dragon) Hiester - because any discussion we have is informal!  We talk about what it means t...

13 October 2023 - The Transgender Experience in Türkiye

Today I am honored to share this interview with my inspiring Sister Döro.  She speaks under cover of anonymity about being transgender in Türkiye.  The stories she tel...

06 October 2023 - Observations on Feminism

Today's episode is about feminism. My friend Kendra and I muse on Western society and feminism's role in it. REFERENCES: Dreamers & Doers:

08 September 2023 - Mental Health and the LGBTQ Community

This episode is the beginning of what is to become Gender Identity Weekly - my existing Dingbat Diaries idea, but engaging other contributors to Gender Identity Today....

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