07 June 2024 - Kink Will Bring Us Together

Today's episode features Jake Didinsky, a pansexual, nonbinary DJ and Producer.  Jake is also co-founder of the inclusive night club event "Lights Out, Barks Out."  In our discussion, we cover topics as far afield as the power of inclusivity, helping cis / het people understand the queer experience, and the Right Old White Guy.

Jake Didinsky’s website:  https://jakemaxwellproductions.com/
Follow Jake on Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/lightsoutbarksoutdc/
Gender Identity Today:  https://genderidentitytoday.com

  • (00:00) - Opening credits
  • (00:37) - Show opening
  • (01:25) - Introducing Jake Didinsky
  • (02:30) - A quick biology lesson about mitochondria
  • (07:44) - Adversity as an instruction manual
  • (15:25) - Inclusivity is giving people the benefit of human decency
  • (20:05) - Kink can bring us all together if we let it
  • (25:31) - Cis / het people CAN understand
  • (30:15) - What makes us unique is allows us to grow
  • (37:29) - From crummy DJ to kicking in doors
  • (43:59) - LOBO grows out of the need to make the world better
  • (48:23) - White straight men with money ruin everything
  • (53:10) - How to find Jake Didinsky
  • (55:15) - An unrelated story about every day in the ICU
  • (58:22) - We need to use the system to change the system
  • (01:09:04) - A quick plug for Gender Identity Today
  • (01:10:20) - Show closing
  • (01:11:04) - Closing credits
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Creators and Guests

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick
Writer, Transgender Activist, Philosopher, and sometimes Software Consultant
07 June 2024 - Kink Will Bring Us Together
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