27 October 2023 - Art as a Method of Identity

Today I talk to Tucker Lieberman, an excellent author and philosopher whose transgender journey took place in part through his creativity.  Tucker and I discuss important artistic media, how we find ourselves in fictional characters, and give a nod to Wes Craven.

Tucker’s Personal Website:  https://tuckerlieberman.com
Find Tucker on Medium:  https://medium.com/@tuckerlieberman
Gender Identity Today:  https://genderidentitytoday.com/

  • (00:00) - Show opening
  • (00:35) - Introducing Tucker
  • (01:28) - The role of creativity in who we are
  • (05:54) - Photography as a medium of identity
  • (10:02) - The value of not having a reason
  • (16:03) - Fiction as a vehicle to explore our parts
  • (22:29) - More than "only" who we are
  • (26:25) - Finding the ineffable quality of art
  • (34:01) - Constraints to help make better art
  • (38:03) - There are no accidents
  • (46:13) - No art is truly bad art
  • (49:26) - Tarot to show our angles and dimensions
  • (57:57) - Show closing
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Creators and Guests

Amethysta Herrick
Amethysta Herrick
Writer, Transgender Activist, Philosopher, and sometimes Software Consultant
27 October 2023 - Art as a Method of Identity
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